Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Non-Bumis,strangers in own country

I refer to the letter “Non-bumis unworthy for vc post?” (Malaysiakini,April 3)

It is just not the vice chancellor’s post, in fact non-bumis seem to be unworthy for all posts in the public service. As loyal citizens, our forefathers have fought successfully hand in hand with their Malay brothers for independence against the British.

Subsequently they set up the government and ruled the nation together as loyal citizens of our beloved nation. The non-Malays participated actively to build and develop the nation to what it is today. They held important posts in the government and carried out their responsibilities with full dedication and zeal.

All so suddenly we have become useless and unworthy of any posts in the government. Today there is hardly any non-bumi in high office. Even the labor force in the public sector is devoid of non-Malays. These services are privatized and the jobs given to foreign workers. The large population of these foreign has created new social problems for all.

Our politicians say they want to increase the non-Malay participation in the civil service but they do nothing to improve the promotional opportunities for them. It is a unwritten law that all the important top posts are reserved for the bumiputras only.

It is sad that after all these years of sacrifice and loyal service to the nation; the non-bumis are slowly but surely becoming strangers in their own country.

Dr.Chris Anthony

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