Friday, April 07, 2006

Diabled are citizens too

Provide more disable-friendly facilities

All caring Malaysians generally were flabbergasted to read the report “Council taking disabled woman to court over parking fees” (Star,April 3).

It is rather ridiculous that the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) issued “Notice of Court Action and Warrant of Arrest” on paraplegic Gurdip Kaur for failing to pay the parking fee. How could they enforce a rule when she has no way of obeying it in the first place due to her physical disablement?

One has just to drive around to witness the rampant abuse of parking rules daily all over the country to which the authorities are blind, but very quick to pounce upon a disabled woman who could not pay the fee due to the disable-unfriendly system.

What was even more distressing is the arrogant response of the authorities who have hardly any compassion for the plight of the disabled.

It can be difficult to find parking spaces for even normal people in most cities, let alone for disabled people. The MPK and all local councils must in the first place provide sufficient parking and other disabled-friendly facilities.

When the authorities just don’t have compassion for disabled citizens, what can we as normal people expect? What has happened to the campaign Teladan Melalui Memimpin?

Dr.Chris Anthony

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