Saturday, April 22, 2006

Anwar to return to politics fulltime

Anwar's return would strengthen opposition

I think Malaysians in general would only too happy to have Anwar back into active politics.In fact they were pretty disappointed that he had to away for so long.I'm sure he has good reasons to do so.

There has been a change in the leadership of UMNO with a new prime minister who is more tolerant of opposing views and does not play on racial or religious sentiments to gain popularity in his party.He seems to be less nasty with the opposition and accepts everybody as rightful citizens of the country.

A whole new generation of Malaysians have grown up being less tolerant of divergence and suspicious of each other.The new PM I feel would be able to dilute these effects to a certain degree but much more has to be done to achieve a truely peaceful multiracial Malaysia.

I feel the active involvement of Anwar would further enhance these favourable developments in the country.His bitter experiences over the last 5 years would greatly contribute towards building a more democratic country which is in dire need of a strong opposition in parliament.

Dr.Chris Anthony

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