Tuesday, April 07, 2020

20th day of MCO (6.4.2020)

The number of new Covid-19 cases today dropped to 131, taking the total number of confirmed infections in the country to 3,793.The death increased by 1 to a total of 62.If it is an indication of the beginning of a downward trend it would be happy news. However it is too early to interpret this decrease in cases for today, but we may be seeing the positive outcome of our efforts despite the initial fumble. 

Today after much pressure from the people in the social media, the PM Tan Sri Muhyddin unveiled another additional RM10 billion stimulus package mainly to support the SMEs in this pandemic. Is it a sign that the PM is beginning to heed the calls of the people? We would like to believe so but from the recent political events it does not support that believe.
After 20 days with the MCO, the forefront fighters are getting worn out. Some of them work long hours, night after night in incomplete protective attire and non-conducive environment. The supportive services, like transport, food delivery, police, courts and even prisons are running into more problems. The people enclosed in the homes are becoming more uncomfortable, uneasy and fearful of the uncertainties about their jobs, their salary and about their children and their ailing elders in the family. 

To make matters worse, there many returning home from overseas, new spikes in hotspot areas and now illegal immigrants from infected areas. It looks like there is a high possibility the MCO may have to be extended. If this happens it will have a serious consequence on the economy and the wellbeing of everyone. Loss of jobs, poverty, food, health issues and social and psychological stress of staying together encaged, would be major problems that may go beyond control.
The political leadership and the government should do more, to address these issues with great urgency, fairly and with great wisdom. On our part we must cooperate fully with the authorities. This fight we are involved in concerns every citizen, we must all rise above all our differences and unite to win this battle as fast as we can.

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CNY - Year of the dragon

Happy Chinese New Year to all, in particular the Chinese members of our bigger Malaysian family.May this Year of the Dragon bring peace ...