Tuesday, April 07, 2020

19th day of MC0(5.4.2020)

The latest Covid- 19 figures indicates that the pandemic is still far from control. Today there were 179 new cases bringing the total to 3,662 and deaths to 61. 

What is worrying is the continuous steady increase in infection and deaths and also the spikes in scattered regions.Now the detention of MCO breachers in prisons may become another problem. Equally worrying is the large numbers of Malaysians returning from abroad. 

Looks like if the present trend continues, which is highly likely, the MCO may have to be extended much to the dislike of all.This will have a serious adverse effect on the economy and the wellbeing of everyone. Loss of jobs,poverty, food,health issues and psychosocial problems of staying enclosed would be major problems that may get out of hand.
The government and the political leadership should do more, to address these issues with urgency,fairly and with great wisdom.

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CNY - Year of the dragon

Happy Chinese New Year to all, in particular the Chinese members of our bigger Malaysian family.May this Year of the Dragon bring peace ...