Sunday, March 22, 2020

Four days into Movement Control Order (MCO)

The number of cases of infection rises by 153 and deaths increases by another 4 to a total 1,183 cases and 8 deaths. This increase is cases and deaths is indeed worrisome.
On the ground the cooperation from the people although better is still far from desired. The DG of Health is doing a good job of informing the people but much more has to be done by the government and those entrusted to lead in the fight against the Covid-19 outbreak. 

The DG of Health should include infection experts and experts in the various fields involved in the implementation of the MCO to address the nation via press regular conferences so that the people can get first-hand information on the actual status of the pandemic in our country. This may motivate the people to comply strictly the MCO.

Tomorrow the army is expected to join in to assist the police to enforce strict compliance of the people to the MCO. Whether this is a wise move I am not sure but by bringing in the army, its officers and personnel are exposed to the increased risk of infection. Is it necessary at this junction? What is really necessary is a more committed and decisive political leadership that can make the right and prompt decisions based of professional and expert advice on the various aspects in the treatment and prevention of the spread of the Corona virus, which threatens to be more virulent than expected.

As we end the day it is again more depressive than before but let us not give up hope as the outcome is very much in our hands. Let’s cooperate fully to stay at home, clean ourselves and continue to adhere to social distancing among one another to break the chain in the spread of the Covid-19.

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CNY - Year of the dragon

Happy Chinese New Year to all, in particular the Chinese members of our bigger Malaysian family.May this Year of the Dragon bring peace ...