Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Feeling dejected in own country

In the whole recent political crisis,the backdoor change of government,the appointment of the new PM and the formation of the new cabinet,the biggest losers are the minorities, who seem to have been marginalized from the corridors power.

It is sad and painful that after over 6 decades of sacrificing so much for our country that we love so much,we are made to feel alien in our own land.Each and everyone of us have contributed so much for making the country what it is today, but these are just forgotten and gone.

As we go through this painful and disheartening period,let us not give up our hope but continue to strive to return our country to what it used to be,a racially united,progressive and harmonious Malaysia.

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CNY - Year of the dragon

Happy Chinese New Year to all, in particular the Chinese members of our bigger Malaysian family.May this Year of the Dragon bring peace ...