Thursday, May 17, 2018

Teachers Day 2018

Post -14GE hopes

We celebrate Teacher’s Day today. It is a day dedicated to honour our teachers at all levels but most importantly those in our early years in primary and secondary schools and in the universities. These teachers mean so much to us not for imparting their knowledge and skills      but also in in their role of guiding and moulding us when we were small. In fact in our culture and in most others as well, teachers are placed on a pedestal almost the level of our parents.
Today our country is in chaos due abuse of power and corruption. One of the major causes of the deteriorating values and morals in our society today is the fading influence of teachers on our children. Teachers today do not seem to command the respect like they used to do before and sadly they have ceased to be the role models for the children under their care.
Teachers today lack motivation and passion in their job. This may partly be due to the unappreciative and uncaring system that is governed more of consumerism and commercialisation rather the humane values.
We hope the positive changes that are taking place in the country now after the 14GE, help to restore some of the better days in our education system where teachers are rewarded, respected and appreciated for their contribution to our nation.
Let us together fight the racism that had become our way of life for so long. This fight must start in the homes and schools and we hope our teachers can once again take the lead in this noble battle against racism and hate that had torn our nation apart over 6 decades. Hope our teachers rise to rebuild the goodwill and comradeship among our children for a brighter future.

Happy Teacher’s Day

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