Friday, June 10, 2011

Uncle george Anthony's 91st bithday

Uncle George turns 91

This June 3, Uncle George turned 91; he is still in great health, moving around on his bicycle. Although his physical strength and vitality may be slowly failing him so are some of his of his senses but he insists in staying independently all by himself.

Despite the loss his only daughter and his most beloved wife of 60 years which have taken a great toll on his happiness and all the setbacks caused by his advancing age, he is still as cheerful as ever. He still appears to me as the same old Uncle George whom I used to know when I was a schoolboy over forty years ago.

His cheerfulness is so contagious that every time we meet him we go back with great joy and satisfaction in my heart. We hope and pray that God will grant us that cheerfulness to be shared with those we meet.

Since 2006 he had written over 75 letters to us which we have all treasured and kept safely filed. In We continue to maintain our relationship by phone and regular meetings with him. He is a regular guest at all our family functions.

On this 91st birthday, we would like to wish him the very best in his life. We pray that God will continue to bless him good health and great courage to meet the many difficulties that may come his way at this stage in his life. We pray that the Lord continue to bless him with abundant peace and happiness forever.

In conclusion let’s recall the words of Uncle George which offers a great lesson for us who may soon be in his shoes,

“It is not money, gifts or food that we need. All we ask for is the love of fellow humans to spare some time for elderly people like us who are so lonely”.

These words reflect not just his but the predicament of many other elderly men and women in our midst. Let’s do the little within our means to allay such fears in those at the twilight of their lives..

Happy 91st. Birthday Uncle George

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