Monday, May 12, 2008

NS taking a toll on our children - II

Time to suspend and review its implementation

The dust had hardly settled after the tragic death of National Service (NS) trainee,Afiq Zuhairi Ahmat Rozal, last month we have another equally tragic death of another trainee, Too Hui Min,bringing the total so far to 16.If two deaths in less than a month is not serious enough, I don’t know how many more have to lose their lives before the government considers enough is enough.

It must be stressed that NS trainees are young healthy school leavers who have no known illness prior to joining the NS. What is common in these deaths is that they show very minimal symptoms and signs and their illness progresses so fast as to be fatal in just a few days. The most likely cause of death in all these cases is overwhelming infection of some sort.

What looks imminent is that medical personnel attending to them in the initial stages failed to appreciate the seriousness of the illness as the symptoms were non-specific and minimal. The medical personal attending to them were medical assistants (MA) or nurses who are not trained in clinical diagnosis. I am sure if those unfortunate victims were attended to by experienced doctors or specialists, they would have suspected something sinister is setting in.

Why they were not referred to a doctor on their first visit to the clinic? We are well aware that even in the smallest hospital only doctors are allowed to treat patients, not MAs or nurses however senior they may be. Why was this not practiced in the NS camps? Doesn’t this amount to negligence on the part of the medical personnel treating the sick trainees?

These deaths have obviously cast serious doubts on the quality of the training and the safety mechanisms that are in place in the NS. Is the system professional and capable enough to carry military type of training? Has it placed undue stress on the health of the trainees? How efficient and effective are the medical examinations and resuscitation facilities? How well trained, equipped and motivated are the trainers in providing the training? Have we got to sacrifice a few of our children in each session of NS?

No amount of reassurance will be able to satisfy the parents if it does not address these issues immediately. The NS Department has a lot of soul searching to do and it must do it without any further delay. It should consider the feedback from parents and public seriously. Docility on their part will only create suspicion and doubts in the minds of the people as to the real motives of the NS program

It is very irresponsible of National Service Training Department director-general Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang Kecil to reiterate that the NS training programme will not be scrapped just because of one or two deaths. I think he must put himself in the place of the parents who have lost their children before making such insensitive statements.

Abdul Hadi Awang further suggests that the trainees undergo medical check-ups before joining the training programme. He must remember that these fatal illnesses are acute and there is no way even the most sophisticated medical examination will ever detect the illness in advance. It would only be a total waste of taxpayers’ money.

The unacceptably high rate of deaths among young NS trainees is an indication of the failure of the system itself. Its risks outweigh the benefits and as an immediate measure to prevent more unnecessary loss of lives the NS must be suspended and a full scale review instituted. As the Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak says we may not be able to scrap the programme just like that as many parties are involved but the safety of the trainees should be the paramount consideration and overrule all other factors in deciding to continue with the NS.

There is undeniably a dire need for racial integration among our youth which is so badly lacking in our schools. To be effective such integration programmes should start from the time the children start schooling. If we cannot achieve racial integration over 11years they are in school, I fail to see how that can be done in just 3 months after they leave school.

Dr.Chris Anthony

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Comments taken from Malaysia_today

written by ONGJJJ, May 14, 2008 | 20:37:31

Dr, how to stop a multi million dollars scheme to line certain people's pocket? Only consideration is $ under the disguise of racial integration.
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written by Beezee_Beezee, May 14, 2008 | 20:40:17

Time and time again The Goons from BN will not face the reality. What they have in mind is to siphoned the Taxpayer money for their own Pocket. Let Face it UMNOputra Revoke all the contracts you have and for FUCKed sake wake up and evaluate all your agencies that managed this scamped.
Don't try to make this as an opportunity to implement some more contract to set a medical check up prior to intake. Just scrapped this bloody NS......
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written by semut, May 14, 2008 | 20:53:55

banyak lagi tragedi buruk NS trainee actually..cume tak keluar dlm media milik BN..well..u know..
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written by lynn, May 14, 2008 | 21:05:06

This NS program was mooted by najib; this is a very lucrative money-making program for a handful of people; in time, the bn gov't wants to enroll ALL your kids to the NS program, which means more deaths.

The man is heartless; money is more important to him than your precious kids.

Just change the gov't ASAP and all umnoputra contracts are revoked!
DSAI, make sure you scrap NS the very minute you seize power. Make sure you release all ISA detainees the minute you are in the seat of power!
Make sure you abolish ISA and OSA, unless you want to use them against the bn goons, it's your perogative.
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written by Prakasha, May 14, 2008 | 21:05:08
Firstly,It would be good to have a list of BN goons' children serving in NS and compare that to those who use their "Rakyat" given powers to bypass the system. Secondly, can we get the contract details/companies involved/shareholders for these? We should be seeing this against those taken list in Item(1). Thirdly, can't those responsible for these tragedies be sued and brought to court???!
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written by Prakasha, May 14, 2008 | 21:07:06
NS is a Public Funded Program and the details of expenditure should be made Public as well!

Quote taken from a famous comedian :- "We are the Public... And they are the Public Servant"
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written by POPEYE, May 14, 2008 | 21:07:35
There is just too much money involved to suspend this program. Najib and his cronies have got this as the goose that lays the golden egg---from uniforms to food to accommodqtion. The sad part of this is that the arrogance of UMNO is clearly seen amongst the poor students that are forced to attend this nonsense in order to facilitate this printing of money. Countless times have I heard about the factionalism and racial segregation that exists at these boot camps and how gang fights between goups of teenagers along racial lines exist whilst camp supervisor sit down to enjoy the show. Instead of intergration nearln all participants come out with greater dislike for the other races. ABOLISH THIS CRAP !!!
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written by SeriousLy, May 14, 2008 | 21:20:00
16 children die only! No problem! Most important is the NEP! Then it's not the minister's children, it's some poor Malaysian's children! Najib won't cry at night before sleep! It's the dead children's parents.
WAIT! WAIT! After saying all that; I got to tell you boot camps is implemented around the world but do they have deaths like in Malaysian Boot Camps?????????? 16 Deaths; I wonder why? Blame it on BN!!!!!!

Something wrong with the implementation! Who started this idea? He is responsible for the deaths! Ask him to pay for the law suit! Don't use rakyat's money!
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written by talkingback79, May 14, 2008 | 21:25:45
Come on, cut the verbosity and out with it. NS is a multi million industry in itself. There is nothing in it to benefit the kids. Its a neither here nor there program. Powerful hands are reaping $$$$$$ at the expanse of participant mortality. Fuck them all
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written by Amadas, May 14, 2008 | 21:28:20
National Serrvice programme is sheer cannot achieve unity as long as the UMNO racist policies persist.

It's only objective is the gravy train for UMNO chiefs. Who stands to benefit financially from this? This is a sure waste of taxpayers money.

UNITY has to begin from primary school onwards.
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written by disgruntled, May 14, 2008 | 21:31:48
National service deaths...2 deaths in less than a month....
How many more statistics figures do we need before we can see the true worth of this disgusting project of subjecting our young to unnecessary preparedness for a war? Prepare our youths for what objective? Certainly not for war against our neighbours? Certainly not for an offensive against our neighbours? Send all those idiot leaders who dream of such a weird project to hell.
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written by TB Tan, May 14, 2008 | 21:34:15
The ULTIMATE goal for this program from the very start was NEVER about cultivating racial integration, IT IS ALL ABOUT WHO GETS THE BIGGER SHARE OF THE MONETARY PIE. Stopping this program now will hurt a lot of pockets. The one and only way is for the parents concern to ignore the callup as a mark of protest. Afterall, would you prefer to risk going to jail and remain alive or have your kids brought back in a casket. To all concern parents, do your parental duty for the sake of your children.
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written by LACOBRA, May 14, 2008 | 21:39:00
Ask Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye if his too adult kids have actually undergone this training to begin with before reaching to his conclusion.

NS is a total waste of time. Only to fulfill the ego of the trainers in bullying little kids apart from money making.

Sigh! I am related to him by law!
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written by mohdarif, May 14, 2008 | 21:39:15
If the NS has to stay please engage a consultant to disect/deep dive every process. If there's one thing the consultants are good at is developing processes, risk mitigation (come in color codes nowadays), best practices and benchmarking and other buzzwords.
Too bad it's the rakyat's money again but if it means saving our kids its worth it.
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written by supplier, May 14, 2008 | 21:40:56
It is actually wasting time and money .Uniforms and boots given to have a short holiday.with the instructors or trainers maybe those jobless graduates are employed. Compare the National Service with Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, even Indonesia. , Malaysia is worst among all the neighbouring countries in terms of discipline, smartness and toughness. Money making for few
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written by Sabahfan, May 14, 2008 | 21:42:54

Step one, I ask all chinese parents to gang up and refuse to send any of your kids to NS, their time is better spent helping dad or mom looking after the shops. Or any other family activities rather than risk dying at the stupid camp.

Secondly, You paid your tax just for them to do stupid things at the camp?
what more...

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written by carlitos, May 14, 2008 | 21:58:20
16 Malaysian kids died for what? Previously many got raped now died!!!

what is this? There is not even any weapon training yet. Imagine how many hundreds will die if they really start weapon training.

This is turning from a rape camp to a death camp!!!

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written by SeriousLy, May 14, 2008 | 21:59:28
PARENTS!!! SPREAD THIS IDEA! BUY YOUR CHILDREN A CHEAP ACCIDENT INSURANCE PACKAGE OF 5 TO 10 MILLION! As long as it covers death payment, it's fine. I don't think it covers going to NS! So get the NS to verify this insurance! Since its not covered then NS have to agree to pay if anything happen to your children! Cut the suing the government, it takes too long!
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written by hakuna, May 14, 2008 | 22:14:47
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak says,” we may not be able to scrap the program just like that as many parties are involved”
Is this guy stating that since they are committed in making money from this system, they are unable to scrap it?
I think it is high time Anwar gets the MPs to cross over so that this whole system is scrapped immediately before we lose more of our kids.
The problem is that when there is a death , the famous or infamous word surfacers and that is "takdir".
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written by kupas, May 14, 2008 | 22:38:02
Najib - the rakyat said NO!!! to NS. Why continue? 16 children dead - how many more before it gets to your thick skull our children's life are precious. Let your cronies make money some other ways.

Continue with NS - is like murder!!!
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written by power2u, May 14, 2008 | 22:38:41
This Najis telling lie that Singapore NS got more deaths than Msia.Pls Najis, where is the statistics???In Singapore, NS in well run ,with PROPER facilities, adequate environment..And MOST importantly...NO RASUAH involved,No WASTAGE of public funds.( bcos THEIR LEADERS R CLEAN)..And NS in Singapore does not involve GIRLS.They hav WISDOM..unlike Msia ,where our poor daughters,hav to go for NS in such filthy n terrible conditions...
And the AUDACITY to say ONLY 16 if not cukup kematian..baru 16...
Must throw out this IDIOT n LEE LAM THYE
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written by nowinnofee, May 14, 2008 | 22:39:44

Well, so far i have not heard of any BN Tan Sri's or Datuk Sri's or Tun Sri's children in the national service, you see...this is for commoners like you and me and our kids. These other children are the ones who are studying overseas from from 3 onwards and somehow exempted from NS.
I would be interested to know from Mr Param Cumaraswamy if we can pursue this action in the International Court of Justice, in lieu of the fact that Malaysia has clearly disregarded the death of citizens in lieu of profits they would be cashing in from this NS.
May those involved suffer seven generations, whatever money they profit out of this will always turn to ashes.
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written by SeriousLy, May 14, 2008 | 22:40:39
NS failure=Ketuanan Melayu=UMNO=Corruption=NEP=No Unity=Developing country till end of the world
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written by nowinnofee, May 14, 2008 | 22:42:02
This is turning from a rape camp to a death camp!!! - carlitos

Agreed and Hmmmmmm........i would say...the killing fields or genocide in Malaysia
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written by sttb08, May 14, 2008 | 23:26:50
Sabahtan - why all this racism in this matter. Is it only the Chinese deaths that matter? RPK espouses Malaysianism not this - it's his blog. Let's talk Malaysia for Malaysians otherwise, don't bother posting because you just become a tool of hatred.
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written by ChanRaj, May 14, 2008 | 23:36:17
Yes, the NS should be scrapped immediately. There is nothing in the NS programme that can justify the death of 16 children. Its sheer incompetence and a total disregard of responsibilities. Yes it is a big money spinning industry and a huge opportunity to make money, that why it cannot be scrapped. Wonder what other wrong things are going on in NS camps that is not highlighted in the papers since the MSM is the government's mouthpiece?
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written by franklyspeaking, May 14, 2008 | 23:46:34
hey folks, have anyone of you heard any of the minister's or umnoputra's kids are among the NS trainees?????? i have not even heard of one after so many of my family and friends kids were called up... why not let their kids join and see how they feel... guess all these VVIP kids are overseas ...... if they say NS stays, the show leadership by example..... publicies in the media that your kids are among the NS trainees!!! I guess non of them got the BALLS!!!
I will not sent my kids to NS.... even if I have to got to court or jail....... let start a kempen to end NS.... NO2NS! NO2NS!
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written by mrbean, May 14, 2008 | 23:51:48
Loss of life in the NS is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.
Full investigation shall be carried out and heads must roll.
Agree that 3 months won't do much to integration when all the main issues are slowly cultivated already since day 1 in the primary and secondary school.
Basic questions like: why certain groups of students can gain easier access to MARA or Science school after SPM ? why is PSD scholarship limited to non-bumis? where is the meritocracy which has been mentioned? Why not one single entry exams into local universities instead of two (STPM And matriculation)? where is the fairness?
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written by rakyat101, May 15, 2008 | 00:27:34
what is the purpose of NS, certainly not unity, introduction to job description for army is more likely, than again hundred of thousand of army are not put in use to curb illegal immigrant and secure boarder in east Malaysia, what a waste of tax payer money & billion of ringgit spending in military hardware including c4 explosive.
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written by fireduck, May 15, 2008 | 00:39:49
16 deaths is 16 too many! The kids didn't have to die that way. One death, we can probably attribute it to accident. Two deaths maybe a coincidence. Three deaths calls for suspension and review. Four deaths, something is seriously wrong with the whole thing and should be suspended indefinitely until EVERYTHING is in proper place.

But 16 deaths later, all Ng Yen Yen can think about is SEX! What a dumb shit of a Minister! She should be talking about discontinuing the whole scheme, instead of worrying about sex education for the NS kids. The kids nowadays probably know mor than you do on that matter! But they are dying NOT because of having sex in the camps. They are dying because of poor medical attention, poor sanitation, improper handling of food, unnecessary stress to their body system. But definitely not because of having too much sex, or unprotected sex, or what not.

Suspend the whole NS scheme with immediate effect. You want unity training, start them young in the primary and secondary schools! 30 days or 90 days or a year would not be able to replace 11 years of understanding and friendship, or on the flipside, 11 years of prejudice and bigotry (if they are not properly taught).
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written by malaysian, May 15, 2008 | 00:52:19
Najis says that more of our children must die before he considers scrapping this pet project of his.

He says that 16 deaths represented only 0.004 percent of the 339,186 trainees who have gone through the programme since 2004. If 16,000 children died, it would still be only a 4 percent casualty rate.

Let 34,000 children die. That would be 10%. Then he would consider all our bloody complaints.

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written by smeagrooo, May 15, 2008 | 00:52:37
dont u see how UMNO and BN make their money?

First they screw up the integration by raising keris and then conjure up some program to mend it.
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written by FFT, May 15, 2008 | 01:05:41

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written by RitchieLow, May 15, 2008 | 03:01:11
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”
--Mahatma Gandhi

How much more immoral are we when it is human life that are involved. A nation is as civilized as their people are moral.
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written by wannabepatriotic, May 15, 2008 | 03:53:26
NS, since you all like to divide and quota-quota all... why don't every NS program got a quota of 10 ELITE's kids involve. Easy to makan kopi duit from the Datodato TanSri all ma... Malaysia bole mah.

good idea?
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written by doggone, May 15, 2008 | 05:24:14

After so many death, they can't do anything if parents refuse to allow their children to attend NS.

Parents should vermently denounce this pathetic program where the only integration that could ever take place is the conjoinment of public funds to the pockets of the people who mooted this irrelevant outing.

This phoney bastardo just have a knack for killing when there is money to be made. Don't give a farking blink whether it is a woman or a child that dies. Up yours man, up yours !!!!
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written by myvoice, May 15, 2008 | 07:41:52
Parents, high time to stop the NS now before death happened to your family, why want to take chances hoping the tragedy wont come to you. the gomen talking about too many parties $$$$ involved but have not given any thought about the hardship of yours for 18 years of the wonderful daughter and son that you have, are you parents willing to take chances? Act now before it is too late!!! The PM said "Rakyat not happy, action must be taken", jangan cakap tak serupa bikin!
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written by gctham, May 15, 2008 | 08:21:14
All BN projects lead to one final motive to enhance the pocket of all crony. No matter how adverse is the public opinion that was their least concern.
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written by chaiksyn, May 15, 2008 | 08:32:08
Dr. Anthony,

I totally agree with. The problem is what should we do? Action needs to be taken. Do we parents need to go out to the street and carry banners asking for NS to be scrapped?

Someone please gives suggestion! Especially Malayans, you people have more say in this than we Borneons (we are stepchildren!)

Please we need ACTION now before more deaths occur!!!
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written by Ken Liew, May 15, 2008 | 08:47:16
If ONE people is dead, meaning already serious!! You Baboons dont precious life, izzit?!!

Right!! i get it slaves died while working, surely not important.

MAKE SENSE NOW, proves yet again, we rakyat are slaves to the Najis Company powered by UMno!
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written by blacknight220, May 15, 2008 | 11:02:53
many parties are involved. woi party mana Najib? Semua NS punya project bagi BN punya kroni. Thats why that boleh scrap off?? Dah masuk poket komisen for the NS sekarang susah mau cancel?? Kalau happen to one of your BN politician punya anak baru take action. Alaa Najib. Orang kampung semua sudah tahu...BN politician corrupt. Putar belit saja yg pandai. Belagak pandai dan angkuh. Bodoh sombong. Jahanam BN

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